We want to let you know that there is a level with which buildings, Schools, Churches and so on looks charming in nature, which attracts more willing tennacts, pupils to enrol. Do You know the Secret of that good looking ßuilding? Of course, its the use of a good paint both interior and exterior beautification of the building. We are talking of
HOREB PAINT. Horeb paint is that one that last longer after application, which means it does not swell up after applying to the wall. It contains a preventive chemical, which enlongates its beauty. It has two types thus: - Emotion :- Horeb emotional paint bores alot of different colour samples which you can pick or select your choose shown below image-
The distributor of Horeb has his warehouse based in Onitsha. They accept and normally render ware billing Services to his Customers outside Onitsha, strictly on agreed demand. Below are some of the products and buildings that it was applied to.
Below, will guide you or the painter on the proper usage of this pro 1. Remove all dirt, grease and loose paint before applying Horeb paint on the surface. 2. Make sure you always stir paint thoroughly and use clean brushes.
3. Use clean water for thinning if necessary.
4. Replace lid when not in use.
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